Feed Your Brain

Feed Your Brain

Sunday, September 26, 2010

America is...

What does America mean to you?

In your opinion, what does the United States represent?

What is the "character" and quality of our nation?


  1. I think the US is a paradox. It is a place where you will find humanity at its very best and very worst. It is a place where high ideals are discussed and promoted by some, while hatred, bigotry, and xenophobia are promoted by others. The same nation that gave us the Bill of Rights and unprecedented freedom, also wiped out the natives, stole their land, and sold human beings like property in a barbaric system of slavery. The nation that proclaimed to the world that "all men are created equal" practiced racism and sexism for hundreds of years. Can we realistically say it is anything other than a paradox? - B Jones

  2. America is to me the best place in the world to live. We might have some flaws like our Government and how we are dealing with the crises in our country. But besides that we i have an awesome life here. My parents make good money i lie in a nice house on the lake and i go to a good school. In other countries it is hard to get all of that. Thats why i love living here. Im still too young to be into the whole politics thing but from what i hear its pretty intense and some people don't believe in the things Obama is doing or believe in the way our country is run. But to me everything is fine now, im sure when i have to start paying bills and starting to pay attention to politics i will have a better view on things. But to me America is a great place to live and i would never wan to live anywhere else i have a good life here and i love it.

  3. To me America means a home; a place for opportunities, a place to learn, a place to grow as a person, a place to learn, and so much more. Our country was built up by our founding fathers, if it wasn't for them we still might be a country ruled by a King, with no freedoms. No other country in the world has a government like ours, and it just goes to show how advanced we are and the long road we've taken to get to where we are. America represents the freedom to be who you want to be, the freedom to do anything you want as long as set your mind to it, the freedom to understand and learn, the freedom to almost do anything you want. America also represents a mixing pot of cultures and people from around the world. Without the diversity, our country would just be as plain as a black and white picture. THe cultures and people from other countries are like colors, colors are what add life and change in our lives and world. Our nation helps almost every country in trouble, even when we are in debt ourselves, we help others. We are a country that gives more than it receives, and we don't complain. We are characterized by giving, and and helping others. Our country isn't perfect, it has is flaws, but if everything/everyone was perfect, then we would never learn anything new or advance.


  4. I agree with you Jones, i think it is a weird place where you can either be infinitely happy or unconditionally sad. That's one part of America i really can't stand. I mean it is a land of opportunity and all but we as citizens deserve to be happy, not under economic crisis' and war. I know that the economy cannot be fixed over night but what I'm saying is that America cares for the entire world but, do we care for ourselves. I don't know if this is a place to ask your own questions but here is mine. Do you guys think that America should isolate itself from helping other Nations and from fighting wars we don't have to, just long enough so the situation at home gets better? When should we go back to helping people, or should we let other nations figure it out for themselves? -Eric L.

  5. In my own opinion, I think the United States is severely conflicted at best. It's a constant competition for power, respect, and above all else, money. American society, consumed by this concept of riches and great wealth contributes to the suffering of millions in out own country. The few who make it to the top, leave their fellow citizens in the dust. It's a constant race to the top, a climb to see who can be the most selfish essentially. America can also be a great place though, where every man has equal opportunity to succeed depending on how hard they are willing to work. Say what you will about the American system, but it is generally rewarding...on the flip side it is brutally unforgiving.

    -Spencer Law

  6. America to me is the place where I live and the only place where I would want to live. Even though people and other countries may put us down I believe we are the dominant and best country in the world. I think America comes to represent kinda like the jock of a highschool who dominants and kinda pushes people around but overall is like someone you would want to look up to and maybe be but as everyone is not perfect

  7. America to me is the most powerful country and a great place to live. On the other hand, when resonding to natural disasters, America is horrible. Take hurricane Katrina, Category 5 hurricane that hit new Orleans, It took USa 5 days to respond with food water and shelter. If were the most powerful country, trhen why can't we respond within 2 days. The USA represents power. Right now were fighting 2 wars and we are in tons of debt, but we still have standards. I love America, its the greasterst place to live and even though times are rough and many people dont have money, my family lives the American dream together.

    -Amanda Quinn

  8. I think America is the land of opportunity. It was where, in the past someone can immigrate with ten dollars in their pocket and turn it into a life for themselves for their families. America is the melting pot of all cultures. It's where people can live in a semi-peaceful (with some exceptions) with the guaranteed rights to religion, vote, and freedom of speech. None the less, America would not be America if not for surrounding countries, who each contributes along with ourselves to the build up of the land of the free.

  9. Well America is easily the best place to live in the world, even under its harshest conditions, it could be much worse everywhere else like a third world country. Would that make us a first world country? I don't know. But what I do know is no matter what feat has been pushed against us, through thick and thin, such as wars, we always prevail. We are not only the top militarily but the top technology wise. Though America has its own black eyes, and ect. that it doesn't want to show the rest of the world, I think we can all agree that there is no place that we would rather live, and thus there is no reason to totally despise it. And if you do.... move to russia.

    -Fitz (It says my first name at the top) :P

  10. America is a great place to live, don't get me wrong, but I do believe that if everyone actually tried, it could be so much better. America has to be an amazing place to live. If it wasn't, so many people would not risk their lives to cross the border every single day. These people want to live here because there are a lot more job opportunities here, and the violence is limited. There are some places in America that have extremely high crime rates and violence, but immigrants try to stay away from these areas as much as possible. I believe that America, as a country, is very self-centered. We want all the credit for everything. We would rather help out other countries as quickly as possible after they have a natural disaster because it makes us look better, but we take almost a week to help hurricane victims in our own country. There are many countries that are worse than America is. I am happy I was born here, and that I have the opportunity to live here. As a whole, we don't have as much starvation and poverty as other countries do, but that does not mean we have none at all. There are many places in the United States that are just as poor as some of the worst countries out there.
    As I stated in the beginning, America is not HORRIBLE, but it definitely could be a lot better.
    --Brianna Santos

  11. America is hypocritical and confusing. Many people will say that America is hands down the best place to live in the world due to the fact that we have a better standard for living than many other people and because of our many freedoms. But how much of this is actually true? How many freedoms do we actually have? In this country anyone who is different has to work harder to live the same and try and change to fit in. How is this the fairness and justice that many people claim we have in America? If America was as just and equal as many people would like it to be then why can't we establish peace and justice among our own people?

    -Samantha Fletcher

  12. I agree with Mr. Jones that America is very much like a paradox. In some ways it can be a great country but it also has many flaws. In one respect America is a very wealthy country and we have a lot more freedom than other countries, especially third world countries. Although we have a very good quality of life I think it is ignorant to proclaim that America is the greatest country in the World, especially if you haven’t been to many other countries. America still has many flaws. There are many European countries that are surpassing us in Education. Even though we are in a recession there are still other countries that still have a pretty good economy. One thing that frustrates me is that every time another country is in need, America has to be the first to respond. In order to have a prosperous Country, I believe we need to focus on ourselves first and than help others. This is one reason why many other countries don't like Americans. We never mind our own business. Also, since America has the worst obesity rate than any other country in the world, we are seen as fat and lazy people. Overall America is a great place to live. In fact I think people don’t know just how good they have it, but it still needs a lot of improvement.

    ---Stephanie Sommers

  13. America is what anyone wants to believe it is. At times America has helped out in the world during times of need such as World War 2 but on the flip side they only joined because of Pearl Harbor. With all the conspiracy ideas about 9/11 and Vietnam not being a war but rather a "military conflict" makes many people believe in America differently. In my opinion, America is a place where anyone can be who they want to be and have the freedom to do it without being persecuted. It is a place of hard-workers and intelligent minds which have come together to make extremely beneficial things for all of human society.

  14. I see America as a giant, adolescent girl. Adolescent girls lie to their friend’s faces, just as American politicians do, in order to only gain for themselves. America, just as a hormonal adolescent, breaks down and feels great anger over the smallest of things. When American Muslims wanted to establish a mosque within New York City, it was like all hell broke lose! What happened to religious freedom? Adolescent girls thrive on gossip and so does America! Our society focuses too much attention on Lady Gaga’s meat dress, when our troops are dying everyday, and hundreds of thousands are homeless and starving in third world countries. America wants money and complains of its absence in society, but does not work for it! Are we seriously thirteen years old, still depending on daddy to just magically place the money in our hands? NO! Money is earned and gained when heard work, smart spending, and smart thinking tactics are put forth. America wants to appear as the “miss perfect popular” of the world, when in reality, the nation has endless flaws. I believe America needs to wake up, and realize what we truly stand for; freedom, liberty, justice, and rights.
    - Meghan Johnson

  15. To me America is a lot of different things mashed into one big nation. It has corrupt business men, evil bosses, or just nasty people. On the other hand, it also has nice, respectable, caring and just good people. Even though America does have some evil and corruption, its also my home and i'm proud to live in it. It not only represents freedom, being able to have your own opinion, and free speech but its also just a great place to live. If I were to characterize the U.S. in one word it would be "Unselfish" and this is because it always tries to help other nations before its self. Whether it be about a war, poverty or a natural disaster, we always try to intervene. This is not only a good thing but also a bad thing. That is because even though we help millions of people out in other nations, we forget to help out the millions of people in our own nation who need help. I think we need to first help ourselves before we try to find a solution to world peace.

  16. America is a place of opportunity and conflict. To me, it seems like a very secretive place, but it has much to offer the world. I feel as if much is hidden by the government. It is conflicted in a sense that people are either very well off and extremely happy with the government, or struggling to stay afloat and blaming the government. I think it represents a place of freedom and opportunity. To me, after studying 911 and Katrina, it represents a place of secrets, panic, and confusion. The character and quality of our nation is strength and power. We strive to appear as a strong nation that has all the other countries reliant on us. Our character shows that the US is a great power and has a lot to offer others and its own, even though we are presently struggling with our own economy.

  17. To me America is just a country with an image of "the place to be". It is a place that I call my home but that is it. I don't see anything so amazing about a place that's government is overpowering and has such differences between the people like social power and racism. Sure we have opportunities that other countries don't like education and freedom of speech but there are still such big restrictions in the end. America is just run by the government who keeps the public hidden from the truth and doesn't take the time to listen to what we have to say. When disasters strike the United States we are always hidden from the real facts and end up with only unanswered questions.
    -Jackie Perez

  18. America is a great country in which every person is treated with respect and dignity, but in some circumstances the country fails, like Katrina and 9/11. Can one truly be "free" like the Constitution states or is there always something holding you back? I think that no person is truly free and you are controlled by someone or something no matter who you are. The United States may seem pretty and great and most of it is, but it is the dark corners and side alleys that make this country worse. America is far better than other countries for living conditions. Which is a plus to the countries citizens. America is mostly a wonderful nation, with minor hiccups inside behind make up.

  19. To me America is a country that stands for power and has a great influence on the world. It is comprised of different ethnicities and religion which makes America different from all the rest of the world. America stands for freedom, justice, opportunity, and many other great qualities. From its impressive history America is a country that will always be the country that all other countries should follow and learn from. America takes pride in its education, its freedom, and especially its culture. The culture of America has spread all throughout the world and there is not one person in this world that does not know the country we call America.
    -Julian Romero

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. To me America is a great but plateaued country. I believe that America has hit a point where we cannot grow or become anymore powerful than we are. Our economy has been in a serious downfall and our debt keeps rising. All of our factories have moved out of the country, there isnt much left in America anymore. All that is left is greedy people who only think about money. America isnt about great opportunities anymore, it is about one upping your neighbor, or pulling some sleazy move to make more money. America is dead.
    -Mike Linardi
    kRem$ out

  22. America is a great nation of freedom but is becoming too liberal, and through that we are losing our freedoms for which we are renowned. Saying "Merry Christmas" or calling someone a name, regardless of age, can have you sued and cost you a lot of money. And it is all out of greed and the think-skinned condition the people of America are in. This greed is what is causing our nation too gradually fall while it causes our economy to crash rapidly. People these days love to play the victim and say "Poor me I felt some oppression..." "he said something that offended me without trying to..." "Life isn't fair, everyone else has it so much easier..." And they're right! Life isn't fair. Those whiny ungrateful people think that they have it so bad and that everything they want should be provided for them. --- I think this video shows what a good portion of our country are like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhIm6l83FDA ---People think that monetary and material gain can satisfy them so they spend and spend and spend without any thought of what the consequences may be or how they will effect themselves and the country. And when they are too lazy to provide for themselves or won't give up the booze or a drug they demand the government give them money to pay for their lifestyle. Our country awards irresponsibility and punishes those who are responsible. Millions upon millions of dollars hard-earned by working responsible people are wasted on the lazy and the "less fortunate". Although there are many who almost deserve help from others, most do not at all deserve and should not be given money to support their lifestyles. But there are also people on the other side of the spectrum who don't deserve the money they "earn", such as wall street and many politician. The rich get richer often by stealing and cheating others out of money. The government, state and fedral, throw away money constantly while our debt grows. If we had more people like Chris Christie, people with backbones and good judgement, who would stop the spending and start cutting down our debt, we wouldn't be in such a bad situation with our country's money. We need leaders to rise up to save our country from it's near destruction, and we need people to rise up and elect those leaders so we can get out of the pit we've been digging for decades. Our country needs to look around and wake up. Someone needs to stand up, make the people realize the severity of this situation, and start a revolution. Not against our government, or against our country, but against our ignorant lifestyles.
    The only way to undo what we've done is to figure out how we've fallen so far and where the pitfalls were. America started out great under great leadership but corruption has filled our government, and the government's secrecy and irresponsibility has costed it the trust of its people. We need more people to bring us back and show us an unbiased factual history of our nation, where the flaws are not hidden or obscured. Then it is the responsibility of those shown the truth to be a witness of it to others. Our nation needs a serious change, and the first step is to realize that we are all guilty and responsible of some of this to a degree.
    -Luke Witten

  23. To me America is a great country . Its easy for me to say that America is a great country though because its all I really know. America maybe have its issues when it comes to the government but overall America is a very wealthy and powerful country, and i'm very content and happy to be living here. When I think of America i think of freedom and a good chance at being successful in life. There are many opportunities here that people from other countries would love to have so I feel very privileged to live here. Most countries look at the U.S as a powerful place, and it is but America isn't perfect and we've done things in the past to show we aren't always the best. For example If we are this amazing country then why did it take us so long to help our own citizens who were stuck in the mess of Katrina. So yeah this country has its flaws, but doesn't every other country in the world have its problems? We cant always live up the the perfect reputation that our country has.

    Mckenna Burns

  24. America is a place that offers oppurtunity and success. Considering it is one of the welathiest nations in the world, America offers success and the ability to live a good life. Other countries are poor, and unorganized and dont offer the same things that America can. To me, America is a great country to live in even though I haven't seen many other places. But based on statistics, America is alot better than other countries are and I'm grateful this is were I was born. America is also full of different ethinicities which makes it a unique country unlike others. I do think alot of America is hid behind the government though and the general public dont really see whats going on. At times we are givin a bad repuataion because of the things our government has alledgedly done. But although there are flaws, flaws come with every country. Overall, I think America is a great place to live.

  25. To me America is a country of diversity. Yes, at times they the government is sketchy and maybe doesn't necessarily make the best choices to make people happy, but how can you? I think we have come along way to include and except other races, religions, and ethnicities and because of that, it is impossible to suite the needs of everyone. Don't get me wrong, the government drives me nuts sometimes with the way the approach things, like how to spend money for example, but I do give them the benefit of the doubt on some things. I love America and i think its so cool how unique it is. I believe that unless you live in America, you cant really appreciate how great it really is.

  26. Defining America is not asimple task because there are so many different people, places,and events, that are apart of the country. Throughout history, america has always desired to be on top and achieve their goals to become successful, which helps and hinders us. Currently we are the top country, economically even though our economy is bad, technologically, and we generally have an immense amount of freedom."Everyone" disires to live here because it is the land of opportunity and our country does provide easier ways of getting educated and finding jobs than others. People who come here come for that reason; because they want to succeed. That is the mentality of america and we strive to fill that stereotype whether we tend to fall short of our high expectations or rise above average. We have high expectations because we are overall a privaledged and wealthy country so at times we may seem like a lazy country but because our standard is set so high, failing to us is succeeding to other third world countries. Because of our fortune and power we expect to do well in every situation because we have the ability to do so, so when something falls short, it seems like were a terrible country. But when in reality were a grand country that is always striving to do better, whether we fall flat or prevail.

  27. Sarah Michaels

    America is a true melting pot. Not only does America have a variety of nationalities, but it has a variety of different kinds of people. Some are selfish some generous. Some are nasty and some are kind. I feel that America goes to extremes and stereotypes form based on the different kinds of people. Everybody generalizes American people but that is impossible to do. You cannot say that everyone in America is fat, when we have amazing athletes and average sized people. You can't say that everyone is selfish and mean, when you have people going over to other countries in hard times. America cannot be described as one word. America is a country full of many faces and unique personalities. In America, you have the opportunity to be whoever you want to be, and people use this opportunity to its full potential.

  28. America is a realm of opportunities. It is a very diverse nation, a melting pot if you prefer, of many different ethnicities, religions, and races. As a prominent country in the world, America has immense amounts of businesses and enterprises that affect not only the United States but the entire financial world. Even though there are many downsides to this country, like poverty and high unemployment rates, compared to other countries, America can be perceived as relatively well-off. As a person who chose to immigrate to this country, I believe that it is one of, if not the best country to be raised in due to the benefits of great educational and profession opportunities.

  29. America to me means home. But that is probably because I have lived here my whole entire life. The United States is supposed to represent opportunity and anyone being able to do anything with their lives. But lately i think the United States' appearance has been altered. We've become forlorn with crisis and money issues and obesity. The United States that once was a symbol of hope and opportunity has now changed. People are having issues getting jobs as well as maintaing a steady flow of income for themselves or their family.
    America has the character qualities of war. When things are going well then everyone is happy. But when things aren't going well then everyone is upset or sad or angry. Sometimes our unhappiness or happiness come from the success or defeat of someone else. America is very similar to war. We aren't really a nation in peace or cooperation with each other. We're almost at combat with ourselves. If your not succeeding that it is someone else's fault and they are a horrible person. Our nation is a nation that is disunited in so many ways. We fight each other and attack each other all for our own personal gain. In war it's all about self preservation and about insuring the safety of your and your family. Right now in the United States with diminishing jobs and our nation's financial situation in the crapper, I don't see how our nation differs from the aspects that are found in war.

  30. America is an amazing country.
    It allows it's citizens to be independent and free.
    I have lived in many different countries and by far, i would have to say that America has got to be the most, powerful, and confidant country.
    Out of the fifteen countries that i have visited, i feel as if that the United States is the most well-rounded country.
    It has so many amazing qualities and not only does the U.S. treat their citizens well America also well appreciates foreigners.
    I feel like America has deserved to be the top country in the world.
    The U.S. does not only help their citizens and country, but they also help and support other countries, like Israel.
    America is very hard working country and they work hard to please their people, it is clearly working.
    Almost everyone is proud to be an American.
    Although The U.S. has been through their rough patches, but hey, no country is perfect, but America is darn close.

  31. What America is to me:

    A merica is...
    M y native country, which I honor and pride for its freedom and opportunity;
    E volution come through maintained effort, leadership, and idealistic values… a
    R eality so many envy and desire.
    I dealistic would it be to be a utopia, and although it is not it is
    C onsiderably one of the most respected
    A nd desirable to live in for reasons well deserved.

    M elting pot for all, and continues to grow.
    Y esterday’s lessons learned to keep moving forward. No grudges held.

    H olding other’s hand—essentially
    O ther’s “big brother.”
    M y America for-
    E ver…Like no other…

  32. I believe America to be a nation that is nothing less than ambitious. To take what other people offer us would be less than what we aim to achieve, and so we make friends and enemies accordingly. This nation houses thieves and liars, but also honest and moral individuals. America itself is the antithesis of what America stands for, at times, but at others we live up to our name and our freedoms and truly represent the best nation in the world. Creativity and individuality are our most valuable resources though, and I think we take advantage of them by thinking up new ways to stay on top and truly show what America is worth. America is ambition.


  33. I have grown with a great image of America. Some people say that the citizens are cold and selfish, but now that I'm here, I see that nothing of that is true.
    It's a country that claims for the freedom of people,and I really appreciate it. It's the model of government for many other countries.
    I could see, so far, that it's also a safe country. "The American Dream" wants to be achieved for many people in the whole world, and that is shown everyday through the media, that's why, I believe, that many foreigns come here and try to be successful.
